Sunday, 10 January 2016

Crawl Out Through The Fallout

My love of gaming may have become apparent in a previous post about where the controller system is going. And after this post (or maybe even the title) it will be pretty obvious what I have been playing recently, so let's begin.

After my recent gaming experience I decided to look into fallout/doomsday/apocalypse shelters/bunkers. Now we all hear fear mongering stories about how atomic war is coming or that one day a huge meteor will strike the earth, wiping out life as we know it. Since we can't always depend of Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to save us from such things it would appear that people have begun to make preparations. There are a few companies here in the UK that will build you one a shelter or bunker, provided you have the land and caps/money to fund it. But the main thing I've been looking at is to see if there is a company similiar to the one in the game.

And it would appear there is. A company has build a massive underground bunker (or 'vault' if you want) in which humanity can live on, safe from the radiation that would plague the surface. The main bunker is somewhere in Europe, for obvious reasons the precise location is classified. And I'm assuming there are others around the world. Essentially the deal is that you buy your way into the bunker, receiving a discount if you have vital skills, presumably military or medical backgrounds and possibly even engineering in case some of the technology develops a fault. 

So what does life have in store whilst you're waiting for the fallout to die down to a safe level. Honestly the details are a little vague but it's pretty much paradise, assuming there are several bars and restaurants, although I would imagine the food and drink choices would be quite limited, and an indoor pool and gym to make sure you can still get exercise, something underground life would really be suited for. Of course you get your own living quarters complete with lounge and bedroom. From the images available to the public the facility itself seems very luxurious. And the cost of this luxury? Well I'm afraid they are a little vague on that side of things as well, at least on the Europe based one, one of their smaller bunkers will set you back $35,000 for each adult. 

My concerns lie with this, for us simple folk, trying to scrape a living together, is it worth it. Personally I think that paying that much money for something that might not even be needed is not worth it, I'd much rather spend my money enjoying the life I have, rather than preparing for it to end...

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