Sunday 27 December 2015

A bit too soon.

I seem to be finding myself looking into customer service on a regular basis. Today's thoughts are on the service we receive in restaurants, although the same thing has been commented on by near enough every comedian that has walked this earth. "Is everything ok with your meal?" Is prime comedian bait. 

Usually that question or one of a similar nature is asked when you are about halfway through your meal, this normally occurs when you are halfway through chewing on a steak or painstakingly trying to shovel food into your mouth with chopsticks, the latter usually ends with food flying everywhere as you lose your grip. 

Over time I have noticed that the question gets sooner and sooner, but the other day I think the waitress that bought our food may have made a personal best. Placing the food on the table she left and returned with our drinks seconds later, then the words slipped out. I sat staring at my untouched plate and wondered how I should know. A million witty comments raced through my mind, but because I'm British only one thing could come out of my mouth, "yes, lovely thank you."

Unless something's seriously wrong with the food we never say anything else, instead we keep quiet and smile, only to get home and leave reviews on websites that nobody every really reads. Although I must point out, the meal was exquisite...

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